Selasa, 21 Maret 2017

Confungisly Related Words & Common Misused Words

Here is the example of Confungisly Related Words & Common Misused Words.

Confungisly Related Words.

1. Choose, Select :
        Choose used to choose between two things;
        Select used to choose between a lopt of things;

  • Well, I choose the blue paper, not the black one.
  • Let's select the most handsome man in this party.

2.  Speak, Talk :
       Speak is used informal situation;
       Talk is used informal situation;
  • Sorry sir, I can't speak French.  
  • Hey stop talking, Doctor John is giving a speech. 

Common Misused Words

1. Advers, Averse :
       Advers means unfavorable, contrary or hostile.
       Averse means having a strong feeling of opposition, antipathy, or repugnance. 
  • They sailed despite advers weather conditions.
  • He was averse to taking his medicine.

2. Buy, By :
    Buy means to purchase or spend money on something.
    By is a proposition meaning close to or indicating who did something.
  • I want to buy a handphone
  • My favorite novel is by Tere Liye. 

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